Wednesday 10 March 2010

How to catch the big fish...(Narawntapu Nat. Park TAS - 07/03)

Andrea & Jeffrey, the couple who owns our little farm house, invited us to
watch how they do the net-fishing in the sea. Around 8pm we joined them at
the beach of Narawntapu National Park at the north coast of Tasmania to
catch the big fish... Two till three people take one end of the net and go
far in the water. When they are very deep in the sea (still walking not
swimming ;-)they go in a half circle in direction to the beach. Two other
people are holding the other end of the net and help to pull it in. At the
beginning we just caught four fish but when it got more dark the catch got

1 comment:

  1. phénoménale la partie de pêche avec Diana en tenue de marin jaime bien aussi toute bellissime par contre des gros patapoufs
