Sunday 14 February 2010

Ride with Spiderman (Westbury TAS - 12/02)

The horse is parked with his locker on (that avoids him to run away)

all dressed up for departure, unlocking the vehicle.

Police on horse coming back home

After hard work, Spiderman deserves a refreshing shower!!

Piece of meat for dogs (Westbury TAS - 10/02)

This beautiful giant horse cannot walk properly, his only other destiny is
to be sliced in meat for dogs... Unfortunately.
As a person he is a nice cuddly horse, that's sad...

Tasty wild blackberries (Westbury TAS - 10/02)

The autumn season for berry picking started and we pick now as-well
blackberries and of course still raspberries.
Behind our cottage we have even wild blackberries and since we are in the
picking mode we even pick in our free-time for our own.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Delivery in progress (River and Rock Road Camping Ground - 30/01)

Funky Haircut (Freycinet Nat Park TAS - 30/01)

Wineglass Bay and Hazard Beach Walk (Freycinet Nat. Park TAS - 30/01)

It was a enjoyable walk.
We have met a big lizard and a Deadly Tiger Snake (which we did not take in
picture because of the fear...).
After Lunch, the last 2 hours were very long!!

Parked and ready for our short walk (Freycinet Nat Park TAS - 30/01)

What is pleasant in Australia is that you can leave your gears on the bike
and nobody will touch it... well maybe we've been lucky so far... At least
the bikes are locked, and some people don't even lock their own...
We are fresh and ready to go for our 4 hours walk!!

Expensive night (Coles Bay TAS - 29/01)

We arrived late and tired at the Freycinet National and we could not find
the free camping ground we were looking for (we found out later that it was
at the end of a 4WD track we did not want to go to).
It is 8 o'clock, the other feeable camp grounds were fully booked...
The only option was to go in a caravan park, but at least we had a good

On the way to the Freycinet Nat Park (TAS - 29/01)

Everything was fixed in the morning, back on the road at 1o'clock.

Tire fixed (Gladstone - 29/01)

Way and back in 2h30!!
Ok the tire is fixed but with a smaller tube (140 for a tire of 160).
The boss of the Suzuki shop in Gladstone said it is OK as the tube is from a
good brand (Michelin which is French and that does not make feel better...).
If anything happens we know who to court...
And thank you to Motul with there expensive useless product!!

On the way for getting the tire fixed (Gladstone TAS - 29/01)

Nobody can fix my tire in Gladstone, I have to go at Scottsdale which is the
nearest city with a motorbike workshop. Still, it is at 70km far...
Furthermore, the tube I need is very rare, I hope they have it...

Illegal Camping (Gladstone - 29/01)

Here we are at the picnic area of Gladstone doing illegal camping..
Well we've got no choice: already I had to drive 5km on a flat tire and we
were exhausted!!

One flat tire (5km before Gladstone - 28/01)

The tire repair product does not work, we can forget to visit Mt William Nat Park for tonight...

On the way to Mt William Nat Park (TAS - 28/01)

Mummy dog with one of her baby

Dinner at dawn (Narawntapu Nat Park TAS - 27/01)

Here is a little friend joining us for dinner

Sunset on the lagoon (Narawntapu Nat Park TAS - 27/01)

Photo art draft (Narawntapu Nat Park TAS - 27/01)