Monday, 2 August 2010

Marlene (Alice Springs NT - 31/7)

Along the Todd Mall you can see a lot of Aboriginies sitting on the gras
with their beautiful paintings to sell. Mostly the prices are high since it
is a tourist mall. But there is another spot behind the city library where
we found our luck... Marlene is one of the artists and we bought two small
paintings of her. She had another big painting which was not finished yet
and I like it very much because it was pink :-). I told her that I get some
cash and come back to sit next to her while she will finish the painting.
She told me that she is 42, her birthday is the 2nd of February and she went
to a college in Alice Springs to learn English.

1 comment:

  1. ouah cette marléne quel visage elle va vous laisser un souvenir impérissable
