Saturday, 19 June 2010

Our poor kitchen (Alice Springs NT - 19/06)

The black pipe on the floor is the one which is suppose to provide hot water
by the tap.
Indeed, the water comes cold from the floor and warmed up by the sun...

The KTM is finished again (Alice Springs NT - 15/06)

Yesterday evening at mid-night, the end of my shift, the KTM did not want to
bring me back home, I had to phone Diana to pick me up.... Today, we push
this shit at the workshop where it is going to stay for ever again....

Beautiful landscapes of Alice Springs (Alice Springs NT - 13/06)

We are in the middle of the nowhere, but the landscape of Alice Springs is
quite nice:
The city is surrounded by several hill ranges.

Finke Desert Race (Alice Springs NT - 12/06)

This event occurs every year at Alice Springs.
Today was the chrono timing to organise the start the day after.
The competitors are racing two days return from Alice Springs to Finke in
the desert.

Say Hello to Mancy (Alice Springs NT - 10/06)

It is time to find a job!!! (Alice Springs NT - 10/06)

Let's shave!!
We are now in the high season in Alice Springs and the hotels are looking for staff!!
Well, in 2 days, we got both hired !! we had a good idea to leave SA for the sun in NT even if it is still freezing in the morning.
Diana is receptionist at the Desert Palm Resort and I am a waiter/barman at the Chifley Alice Springs Resort.

Fighting against the wind strength of the road train (Stuart Hway NT - 10/06)

When flat gets hilly (Stuart Hway NT - 10/06)

Wild exotic bird (Kulgera NT - 10/06)

Nice to see him outside of a cage!

The happiness of the fire (Kulgera NT - 09/06)

Road Work on the Stuart (Stuart Hway NT - 09/06)

Special Event!! Diana is overtaking (Stuart Hway NT - 09/06)

Oulala bad people !! (Marla SA - 09/06)

Left vehicles (Stuart Hway SA - 08/06)

Many vehicle are left on the side on the road...
Stolen, break down,..?? who knows...

Long train, but on the railway this time (Stuart Hway SA - 08/06)

Overtaken by houses (Stuart Hway SA - 08/06)

Busy hway with special vehicles!!!!

The Dog Fence (Stuart Hway SA - 08/06)

The world longest fence (5614km) was built to protect the cattle from the
dingo in the south and east of Australia.
Since then, don't need to mention the ecological balance trauma...ahh..
bloody humans!!

Overtaken by a train on the road !! (Stuart Hwy SA - 08/06)

Digging all over the place (Coober Peddy SA - 08/06)

They are digging everywhere and hoping to find opal...

Friday, 11 June 2010

Space shuttle crashed in the city (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

It is a wreck from a movie, we don't know which one, anyone knows?

Example of underground houses (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

According to one guide, 80% of the population of Coober Peddy lives
underground. Here are some examples from outside.
In one picture, you can see the ventilation coming out from the earth!!

Indoor underground house visit (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

Noodling (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

Noodling is like looking for gold among dust except it is opal. In the city,
there is a public area where everyone can noodle. And luckily, we found one
little piece of opal.

Tunnelling and blower machines demonstration (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

The tunnelling machine dig the tunnels...
The blower acts like a huge Hoover to get the dust and rock pieces out of
the tunnels. You can see the power of this Hoover over my hand skin.

Weird place in a weird town (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

Still looking for a car to continue our trip (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)

Catholic Church (Coober Peddy SA - 07/06)